A new duBreton product: organic sugar-free bacon

A new duBreton organic product have been added to the bacon line. Available in Metro since a few days, sugar-free organic bacon offers an interesting choice to consumers!
Everyone deserves their bacon, especially if you have adopted the ketogenic lifestyle. The new duBreton Sugar Free Organic Bacon is totally sugar free! Most bacon products on the market contain sugar, even if it is in small amounts. At duBreton, we dared to make a bacon product that is completely sugar-free, and the result is amazing! It is local and tasty, and it's free of nitrite and preservatives.
"At duBreton, we are always on the lookout for trends and our research and development team likes to innovate and surprise the consumer. Sugar-free bacon is one of those new ideas that sets us apart," says Vincent Breton, president of the company. "Keto and organic, our new bacon is also nitrite-free and made from pork raised without antibiotics.
Available now at Metro, duBreton sugar-free organic bacon can be served from appetizer to dessert, from morning to night, whatever your dietary preferences. Visit dubreton.com for recipe suggestions.