Pork Worthy of Your Convictions
Our Organic Range

An uncompromising choice
Our organic farming allows our animals to live in a crate-free environment, where they are provided with two to three times more space on a straw bedding and have outdoor access. They receive no antibiotics and are fed vegetable grains, which are certified organic and GMO-free, and not animal by-products. It’s a choice we make because we are aware of your concerns and want to leave a healthy environment to future generations.
- Fed GMO-free, organic grains
- No gestation or farrowing crates
- Antibiotic-free
- Raised on organic bedding
- Access to the outdoors
- No physical alteration

Our Humanely Raised Range

Space and freedom of movement
Our rustic farming guarantees the animals two to three times more space in a crate-free environment. They live on straw bedding and have enrichments to express their natural behaviors. They receive no antibiotics and have no tail or teeth clipping.
- No gestation and farrowing crates
- No antibiotics
- Raised on bedding
- No physical alterations
- Enrichments

Our Antibiotic-Free Range

Fed with vegetable grains and raised with care
Because the use of antibiotics in agriculture threatens the overall health of populations, we do not use any antibiotics as a preventive or curative measure. Instead, we rely on effective biosecurity procedures and the vigilance of our farmers to ensure the health of our animals.
- No antibiotics
- Biosecurity
- Vigilance of the farmers