Pork Worthy of Your Convictions

At duBreton, we have chosen to promote and support responsible and ethical agriculture. Discover our three product lines:

Our Organic Range

Pork raised to the highest animal welfare standards and fed non-GMO grains.
Organic USA

An uncompromising choice

Our organic farming allows our animals to live in a crate-free environment, where they are provided with two to three times more space on a straw bedding and have outdoor access. They receive no antibiotics and are fed vegetable grains, which are certified organic and GMO-free, and not animal by-products. It’s a choice we make because we are aware of your concerns and want to leave a healthy environment to future generations.

  • Fed GMO-free, organic grains
  • No gestation or farrowing crates
  • Antibiotic-free
  • Raised on organic bedding
  • Access to the outdoors
  • No physical alteration
biologique canada NB
Certificed humane NB
>All the products of the organic range
All the products of the organic range

Our All natural Range

Pork raised according to the highest standards of animal welfare.
All Natural USA

Space and freedom of movement

Our rustic farming guarantees the animals two to three times more space in a crate-free environment. They live on straw bedding and have enrichments to express their natural behaviors. They receive no antibiotics and have no tail or teeth clipping.

  • No gestation and farrowing crates
  • No antibiotics
  • Raised on bedding
  • No physical alterations
  • Enrichments
Certificed humane NB
>All the products of the bien-être animal range
All the products of the bien-être animal range

Our Antibiotic-Free Range

A farming model without the use of antibiotics, good for you and the environment.
Pork raised without antibiotics

Fed with vegetable grains and raised with care

Because the use of antibiotics in agriculture threatens the overall health of populations, we do not use any antibiotics as a preventive or curative measure. Instead, we rely on effective biosecurity procedures and the vigilance of our farmers to ensure the health of our animals.

  • No antibiotics
  • Biosecurity
  • Vigilance of the farmers
>All the products of the Raised without antibiotics range
All the products of the Raised without antibiotics range
Learn more about: Find our products in your area

Find our products in your area

duBreton products are available in major grocery chains and some specialized retailers so you have easy access to the best products available.

See our points of sale