Grilled pork loin chops with three chili chutney 2 servings 60 min See the recipe Discover our 173 recipes duBreton pork is delicious any way you want it, any time of the day! Skip to search results Filter recipes Filter recipes Filter recipes All cuts Backribs 5 Bacon 33 Chop 10 Cutlet 0 Deli meats 21 Dry-cured deli meats 21 Filet 16 Ground 30 Roast 0 Sausages 18 Side ribs 0 Strips 2 Tenderloin 8 All courses Appetizer 37 Cocktail 5 Dessert 8 Main 122 Reset 172 recipes Maple rosemary spare ribs 4 servings 105min Maple-candied chocolate bacon recipe 10 to 12 servings 35min Meatballs with apple, apricot and herb gravy 5 as a mai servings 40min Mexican pizza with ground pork 4 servings 25min Mexican pork tacos al carbon 4 servings 50min Michelada picante 1 serving 33min Mini meatball wellingtons with port gravy 8 as an ap servings 60min Mini-burgers in sweet and spicy sauce 4 servings 27min Mini-raclette 4 to 6 (Ap servings 37min Mozzarella pork burgers with honey 4 servings 35min Muffuletta bread 8 servings 30min Mushroom and sausage omelette 4 servings 30min One-pot thai-style rice pan 4 à 6 servings 30min Paëlla with shrimp and chorizo 6 servings 50min Pappardelle with cream, ham, peas, and mushrooms 4 servings 30min Parmigiano dry marinade 4 servings 10min Pasta provençal with pork 4 servings 25min Peanut butter bacon stuffed french toast 5 servings 40min Pesto, sopressata and bocconcini bites 6 (32 bite servings 22min Pizza style fish 6 servings 35min Pizza with sautéed mushrooms and sausage 4 servings 25min Pizza-style ham wrap 6 servings 20min Pork and beef meatballs 24 meatbal servings 50min Pork and cabbage potsticker dumplings and dipping sauces 5 to 6 doz servings 135min Pagination Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Current page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Subscribe to the newsletter! Receive recipe ideas, promotions and community news in your inbox. First name Last name Email* Please validate your request* Submit